Suicide operation in criminal jurisprudence

Sayed Ali Delbari, Gholam Haider Rezvani, Mohammad Panahi 


The suicide operation, which has been killed by explosives or other means of killing or causing terror, destruction of places, by explosives or other means, has long been the focus of Muslim and non - Muslim scholars, and many researchers have been missing. some have hailed it as the highest kind of jihad and martyrdom, and some have committed suicide operations in, regardless of the causes and motivations of it, suicide operations in the category of terrorist operations. the aim of this study is to find out the verdict of suicide operations in Islamic sharia, which implies that the legitimacy of suicide operations is incomplete and the material and material element of suicide operations with martyrdom operations are no different and the difference is two theories. according to the findings of this study, which refers to the rational rule of and the importance of protection of Islamic lands in the belief and geographical area of Islam, suicide operations can be justified only if it is the one way to defend Islamic and Muslim territory under the supervision of Experts and Experts.

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