The Appropriate Application and Lack of Obstacles in Referring to Imamiah Jurisprudence from the Perspective of Law

Zamen Ali Habibi


In jurisprudence and criminal law one of the issues to be considered is the issue of citing a crime as appropriate and not obstruction. Especially in cases where multiple causes and motives are involved in the realization of a criminal outcome. in this paper, the issue of citing appropriateness and non-obstruction in a text-based descriptive-analytical method has been examined. If the criminal act of the accused causes injury or other injuries such as transmission of coronavirus but the defendant does not prevent the development of the effects of the victim's act so that the restraint and refusal of the defendant along with the defendant's behavior leads to the victim's death, is the crime properly documented or not? Those who have a customary view on the issue of citation believe that the criterion in citing truth is customary and rational, it does not matter if it is appropriate or the fact that the crime is not prevented is documented in it. But those who have a philosophical view on the issue of citation only document the crime appropriately and believe that not preventing the abandonment of an act and an inertia. Non-existence cannot be the source of existential matter. It seems that criminal liability is based on citation, but the criterion for citation in a crime is customary and rational truth. It does not matter if the citation is appropriate or not.

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